If the book or article you need isn't available at the MCC Library, you can have it delivered from libraries throughout the country by using interlibrary loan (ILL).
When you request an ILL, we borrow the book or article you need from another library. That library sends the item to us, and then check it out to you.
If you search for an article or book on the library's website and see the the ILL button (below), you can click it and fill out the linked form to request the item.
If you cannot find an item using the library's search feature, or if you cannot find the ILL button, request the item you need by using the forms below:
What kind of items can I get through TexShare?
books & articles
Complete the Texshare Application and bring it to the checkout desk along with your ID. We'll give you the card.
It's up to you. Once you have a TexShare card, you can go to any participating library.
It varies. The library that we borrow the item from will include that information with the item.
Return it to the library you borrowed from.
What if I return it late or lose it?
We will need to check with the library from which the item was borrowed. (MCC Library rules will also apply.)
How long does a Texshare card last?
It's good for one semester, but there's no limit as to how many times you may apply for a card.
Can University Center Students get a Texshare card?
Your university's library will give you a card.
Check one of the local public libraries to see if they have what you're needing.
What kind of items can I get through Interlibrary Loan?
books & articles
Complete the Interlibrary Loan Request Form for a book or article.
Please provide as much information about the book or article as possible.
Use WorldCat to find more information about the book or article.
Print items: 2-3 weeks
Online items may be faster.
Does the item come to my house or to the library?
It will come to the library and we will contact you. You can pick it up at the Checkout desk.
It varies. The library that we borrow the item from will include that information with the item.
Bring it back to us and we will return it for you.
What if I return it late or lose it?
We will need to check with the library from which the item was borrowed. (MCC Library rules will also apply.)
Can University Center Students use the Interlibrary Loan program?
Your university's library will process your request.
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1400 College Drive Waco, Texas 76708, USA
+1 (254) 299-8622