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How to Check Out Books at the MCC Library

Print Books

Use the library's search feature to find a print book. Access your chosen book's record (by clicking on its title) and select "place a hold" to request that the library hold it for you. Doing so guarantees that no one else can check out the book before you arrive at he library to retrieve it. Afterward, just stop by the library to pick up your book.


Use the library's search feature to find an eBook. Access its record (by clicking on its title) and select "view eBook" to access the full text of the eBook. No special equipment or apps are required to view eBooks. 

Finding Books and eBooks

The MCC Library's collection contains both books and eBooks. This mini guide will provide some basic information on locating each type of source.

When searching using the library's search tool, select the tab labeled "Books and eBooks" (highlighted in orange in the image below) to limit your results to results of those types. Input your search terms and click on the search button to receive a list of search results.

Library search tool with books and eBooks tab selected.

Once you receive search results, examine each item's preview to find the format and determine whether the item is a book or eBook (highlighted in images below).

Item preview records with format types (either book or eBook) highlighted.

If you select a book, you will need the item's call number to locate it on the library's shelves. If you don't know how to locate the item using the call number, ask any library employee for assistance.

Item preview record with item call number highlighted.

If the item is an eBook, you can click the link contained on the item's preview to directly access the eBook. No special software or devices are required.

Item preview record with access-eBook button highlighted.

Book Checkout FAQ

Do I need to have my ID to check out a book?

Yes. All library borrowers must present their current MCC student or staff ID to check out all library materials.

How many books can I check out at a time?

You can check out 10 books at a time.

How long is the checkout period?

Students: 3 weeks

Faculty and Staff: remainder of the current semester

Can I renew my checkout to keep an item longer?

Yes. You can renew your item two times.

How do I return a book?

Take it to the library. There you can place it in the drop box or give it any employee behind the the desk.

Does the library charge fines for late returns?

No; fines are charged only if the book is lost or damaged. A book has the status of damaged according to staff discretion and is assumed lost 40 days after its due date. If you have outstanding library fines, you cannot register for classes, so make sure to return your book(s) and pay your fine as soon as possible.

What if I lose or damage a book?

You'll be charged the replacement cost of the book plus a $5 processing fee. If the book is no longer in print, you will be charged a flat fee of $20 for paperback books or $30 for hardcover books.

How do I get the book I need if the library doesn't have it?

You have two options: Interlibrary loan or the TexShare card. (Click the links to learn about each option.) Both options allow you to check out books from other libraries.

I'm a University Student. Can I check out book from the MCC Library?

Yes, but you will need an MCC ID card.  You may obtain one from the Business Office.

World History Books

Click the title or image of any book in this list to go to its record and learn more about it.