"What the heck is a database?"
A library database is a searchable collection of digital items (such as journal or newspaper articles). Database companies collect these items to fill their databases. Multiple database companies may collect the same item, which then appears in each database.
Database companies charge a fee for access to their databases. Don't worry, MCC Library Services pays this fee for MCC students, faculty, and staff (with the exception of continuing education students). In fact, we provide access to over 150 databases.
If you are studying World History, the most appropriate databases for your needs are listed below (though you can still use the search tool on the library's homepage to search every database simultaneously and then narrow results by using the subject filter on the left side of the results screen).
Academic Search Complete, the library's largest multidisciplinary full-text database, is suitable for searching in most subject areas and provides access to articles from peer-reviewed sources, academic journals, magazines, newspapers, conference proceedings, primary source documents, and book excerpts.
JSTOR is a digital library of archived and current issues of academic, peer-reviewed journals. The MCC Library subscribes to 9 multidisciplinary arts and sciences collections and a life sciences journal collection.
You can customize Google Scholar to link to full text articles from MCC Library collections....
Click the Full-Text @ MCC Library beside the article to access it. For search results where there is no link for the MCC Library, you may get some free full text from the publisher or be asked to purchase the article.
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