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Identify Types of Sources: How to Read an Academic Article

Information is recorded in many formats serving multiple purposes.

Tips for Success in Reading Articles:

  • Once you have selected an academic/scholarly/peer-reviewed article, make sure to check out the abstract (summary) near the top of the first page.  This will give you a quick overview of what is found and discussed throughout the article.
  • If the material presented in the abstract does not meet your needs, stop there and keep looking for an article that does cover what you do need.
  • The next thing to do is to scan through most of the document to see what the major themes and keywords are.  Take note of the kinds of graphics, charts, and images that may be presented.  When you get to the end of the article it can often be helpful to read the conclusion too.  This will give you a frame of reference when you actually begin to read through the article.
  • Also, it can be helpful to look over the works cited/reference list at the bottom of the page to get an idea of what is being written about.

Many times, it is not necessary to read the entirety of an article.  You may be looking for one particular piece of information and once you’ve found it you may be ready to look at another source.


The Shape and Size of an Article

components of a scholarly article page 1

page 2 of article components

Image courtesy of North Carolina State University Libraries