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Identify Types of Sources: MCC Databases

Information is recorded in many formats serving multiple purposes.

The MCC Databases

Searching "Databases A-Z"

Below is an image of MCC Library Services' database search.  Clicking the "Databases A-Z" link on our homepage will take you there.  From this page you may search an individual database as well as specialized databases not searched by the Library Search Tool.

picture of the MCC databases search screen

Where to find our Databases

If you need to find a single database, the best place to start is from the Databases A-Z button on the MCC Library homepage (under Research Resources).  This button will connect you with every database we subscribe to.  Use the drop down menus or select the first letter of the database name you are looking for to access it.

Examples of our database subscriptions include:

  • Academic Search Complete
  • Medline
  • CQ Researcher
  • Westlaw
  • Bloom's Literature
  • EBSCOhost
  • ProQuest

Search Multiple Databases with the Library Search Tool

Library Services' Search Tool (shown below) is featured on the Library's homepage.  Most of our sources can be found through or accessed by this one tool.  This search tool searches multiple databases to provide you with sources such as journal articles, books and eBooks, videos, audio or video recordings, newspaper articles, images, and dissertations or theses from graduate students.

Library Services' search tool

Basic search elements of Databases include using:

  • Search boxes
  • Search filters / limiters
  • Sending articles to yourself by using the email icon / function
  • Citation generators along with specifying a citation type (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.)

Use these search hints from our Find Research Sources Guide.