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Borrowing Books: Home

Here's how to find the book you need, place a hold on it if you so desire, request a book through Interlibrary Loans, or check out a book from a participating library with TexShare.

Ways to Find and Borrow Books @ your MCC Library

Place a Hold to request that a book be held for you

Simple Steps for Placing a Hold:

1. From the MCC Library Search Tool, find the book you are wanting to place a “Hold” on so that it will be held for you. It will not be able to be checked out by anyone else; however, if it already is checked out, you will be put onto the queue for that item and receive an email once it has become available.
2. Select the “Request Item” button. This is found in the bottom right corner of each applicable search result and underneath the summary on the Item Information page (which is found after you click on a book’s title).
3. Enter your 7 digit ID Number (Student/Faculty or Staff) and click “Login.”
4. You will then see a “Request Confirmation” box.
5. Fill it out and then hit “Request.”  You should now see a box that says “Your request has been successfully placed.”

    You will receive an email once your hold is ready and will have seven days to come and check it out at the library!

Renew Books that You Have checked out

Simple Steps for Renewing Your Books:

1.  Go to Library Home Page.

2.  Click the "My Account" button in the blue Library Search Tool.

3.  Enter your 7-digit MCC ID number to display an overview of items you have out, holds you have placed, and fines you may owe.

4.  Click on "Items Out" to display details about all items you have checked out.

5.  Check the box in front of each title you want to renew.

6.  Click the "Renew button" at the bottom of your list.

7.  Make a note of your new due date in the "Due Date" column.

8.  Click on "Logout" at the right-hand top of the page if you are on a public computer to release your ID Number.

Book letters filled with books


Checking Out Books

Some Guidelines

  • Books in the Circulating Collection may be loaned to students for 3 Weeks and to faculty and staff until the end of a semester.
  • Dual Credit students receive the same library access as campus and online MCC students.  They may check out books, use the library's computers, and access library subscription databases from off-campus.
  • Renewals are available if there are no other requests/holds pending for the item(s). Books may be renewed online, by telephone, or in person. 
  • In order to check out books from the MCC Library, you must bring your Student ID (Highlander OneCard/MAC card).

How do I get my Student ID card?

The MAC Card office is only open during regular business hours, M-F from 8-5.  You have to come to campus to obtain the card because they need to take your photo for the ID.  Once you start the ID process, ask for a temporary MAC card while you wait for your Highlander OneCard to arrive in the mail.  Keep in mind that activating the checking account is optional and the card can just function as a student ID.

Course Reserves

Course Reserves (print materials selected and reserved by an instructor) are located at the Library's Information Desk.

Some reserve materials are for in house use only while others may be checked out for a short loan period.