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(Chicago) Turabian Citation Style

Citing Images

Citation Makers

A citation generator may serve as a starting place to help you create your citations. However, PLEASE DO NOT RELY ONLY ON A CITATION GENERATOR. They often do not include all of the needed information and contain errors in formatting and punctuation.

If you use a citation generator, you must cross-check your citations with a citation style website, like the Purdue Owl (Online Writing Lab), which will show you each part needed for each kind of citation you are creating.

Paraphrases and Quotes

Not sure what the difference is between paraphrasing, summarizing and quoting? 

Paraphrasing: "Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material into your own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source. Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the original passage, taking a somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly." from Purdue Owl

Summarizing: A summary is "much shorter that the original source. If your aim is to summarize a long passage, look for the author's most important ideas." from The Curious Writer

Quoting: A quote contains the exact words from a source. Don't forget to use quotation marks and cite the source.

If you need further help, try these websites:

Writing Guides

Use these online guides to help you throughout the writing process.

Guidelines for Avoiding Plagiarism

This short guide will explain plagiarism and how to avoid it.