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MCC Archives & College History

McLennan Community College Archives

McLennan Community College's history began in 1965 with the election to establish a junior college in the county. The archive functions as the institutional memory of the college from that time to the present.

The McLennan Community College Archives is comprised of items that are deemed of enduring value to its history. The College’s own administrative records are maintained by those administrative departments, while student records are maintained by the MCC Registrar.

We collect unpublished materials of permanent historical value including official records, correspondence, photographs, papers and publications generated by the administration, academic departments, faculty, staff, special programs and student organizations.

The library's archive unit also maintains a family and genealogical collection of materials from descendants of the McLennan family, who founded the county and for whom the College was named.

College Archivist (PT) - Open Position
For questions about MCC Archives, contact Kevin Lightfoot at (254) 299-8389 or

MCC History

Located in Waco, Texas, McLennan was established in 1965 by the citizens of McLennan County. McLennan was the first junior college in Texas to incorporate the word "community" in its name. For 50 years, McLennan has been serving Waco and the surrounding areas to help community members achieve their educational goals.
