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Library Services for Faculty & Staff

Embedded Librarian Program

Would you like to have your very own librarian for your online or hybrid/blended class?  Would you like for your students to have easy access in your Brightspace course to their embedded librarian?  Would you like to have your students ask the librarian questions about finding scholarly sources, accessing credible websites, assisting with citations, or whatever you and the librarian agree on ahead of time?

If your course is fully or partially online and you have some type of research component, such as a research paper, you could qualify for this service.  The program is limited to a small number of courses that can be accepted, but preference is given to faculty who have never used the service before.

Rachel Kramer, Cynthia Soll, and Kristen Cook serve as embedded librarians (formerly called class librarians).  Toward the end of each spring semester, look for an email from Rachel Kramer that is sent to all faculty asking for participants for the next academic year.  

Please contact Rachel Kramer if you have questions about the Embedded Librarian program.

How does the Embedded Librarian Program Work?

Professors may include library related features in Brightspace according to specific needs.  Professors often include the Embedded Librarian in the following sections of the course:

Discussions- This forum enables students and the librarian to communicate with questions and answers.  Professors may opt not to include this feature, but it is available if desired.

Library Module – A library module in Brightspace's left menu takes students to a page that includes a profile of the librarian, including contact information; a link to the library’s website; a link to the Embedded Librarian forum in Discussions (if desired); and links to library related instructional materials/resources created by the Embedded Librarian for the course.