1. Click on the "Databases A-Z" button on the MCC Library's home page.
2. Scroll through the list to search one of our eBook databases: Ebook Central, eBook Collection or our reference eBook databases: Credo Reference, Gale eBooks, The Reference Shelf.
You can also search for eBooks from the search tool found on the library's homepage.
3. If you find a book in one of the ebook databases, locate the document link in the book's record. Look for labeling such as "Share Link to Book" (ProQuest Ebook Central), "Permalink" (eBook Collection from Ebscohost), or "Bookmark" (Gale eBooks, top of page).
4. If you locate a book that is electronic (labeled with "electronic resource" in the title) in MCC's Advanced Book Search, locate and right click to copy the URL labeled "Click here for online access to this title through..."
5. Follow instructions to place the library content link in Brightspace.
6. In order for the link to work off-campus, if the ebook address you have copied and pasted does not include the following characters at the beginning of the URL:
followed by a second "http", please add the character string to the beginning. One exception is with ProQuest Ebook Central.
For example:
© McLennan Community College
1400 College Drive Waco, Texas 76708, USA
+1 (254) 299-8622